6.1 A Member or Occupier of a Lot must keep that Lot clean and in good repair.
6.2 A Member or Occupier of a Lot must keep all internal or external gardens, balconies
and any roof top terrace which form part of the Lot, clean, tidy and well maintained.
6.3 A Member or Occupier of a Lot must ensure their car parking space(s) and nearby
Common Property areas are free of oil and like substances etc. The Owners
Corporation reserves its right to clean any area and charge the Member or Occupier
for the cost incurred. The Owners Corporation will give fourteen (14) days notice of its
intention to do such cleaning.
6.4 A Member or Occupier of a Lot must keep clean all exterior surfaces of glass in
windows and doors on the boundary of the Lot, including so much as is Common
Property, unless:
(a) the Owners Corporation resolves that it will keep the glass or specified part of
the glass clean; or
(b) that glass or part of the glass cannot be accessed by the Member or Occupier
safely or at all.