8.1 A Member or Occupier of a Lot must not, without the prior written consent of the
Owners Corporation, remove any article from the Common Property placed there by direction or authority of the Owners Corporation and must use all reasonable
endeavours to ensure that those articles are used only for their intended use and not
8.2 A Member or Occupier of a Lot must not, without the written authority of the Owners
Corporation or its Manager, interfere with the operation of any equipment installed on
the Common Property.
8.3 A Member or Occupier of a Lot must not modify any air conditioning, heating or
ventilation system or associated ducting, or any other building service servicing that
Lot without the prior written consent of the Owners Corporation.
8.4 A Member or Occupier of a Lot must not install covering to any storage cages / areas
without the prior written consent of the Owners Corporation. Any covering must
comply with fire regulations i.e. being fire retardant and of a colour approved by the
Owners Corporation.
8.5 A Member or Occupier of a Lot must not use that part of a Lot designed for use as a
car parking space for any other purpose without the prior written consent of the
Owners Corporation.
8.6 A Member or Occupier of a Lot must not enter into or permit any person to enter into
any plant room, machine housing or the waste disposal room, electricity switch room,
machinery room or adjust or cause adjustment to the thermostat, board control,
communication system (except telephone connections), electricity, gas or heating or
cooling controls in or on the Common Property without the consent of the Owners
8.7 A Member or Occupier of a Lot must not install bars, screens or grilles or other safety
devices to the exterior of any windows or doors of a Lot without the prior written
consent of the Owners Corporation.
8.8 A Member or Occupier of a Lot must not operate, or permit to be operated, on the Lot
or within it any device or electronic equipment which interferes with any appliance
lawfully in use on the Common Property, another Lot or another part of the Building.