12.1 A Member or Occupier of a Lot must not use or permit a Lot affected by the Owners
Corporation to be used for any purpose which may be illegal or injurious to the
reputation of the Development or may cause a nuisance or hazard to any other
Member or Occupier of any Lot or the families or visitors of any such Member or

12.2 A Member or Occupier of a Lot must not use the Common Property or permit the
Common Property to be used in a manner as to unreasonably interfere with or prevent
its use by other Members or Occupiers of Lots or their families or visitors.

12.3 A Member or Occupier of a Lot must not use for his or her own purposes as a garden
any portion of the Common Property, unless the Owners Corporation has provided its
written consent.

12.4 The Owners Corporation may as a condition of its consent under subrule 12.3, specify
a period for which the consent is granted.

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